Saturday, April 23, 2011


When we set out to do a task, more often than not our objective is to merely completely task. Of course completion of the task must be the prime objective but one must not forget that there are a number of other factors that come into play when we do the task. These factors also have a bearing on how we accomplish the task and how we are judged by our team members, peers and superiors. Our attitude, our competence, our dexterity, our self belief etc all come into play and if all these are well aligned then we actual give out our BEST which means that our Brilliant Efforts Stand Triumphant

To give off our best it is essential that we first orient ourselves for the same. Begin with a winner’s mindset accepting the challenge and focusing on not just completing the task but being ready to overcome any and all obstacles in pursuit of our goal. There are times when this can be a daunting prospect especially when we begin work on a long drawn out and seemingly complicated ask. It is at this point that we must begin the process of visualizing the end result, work backwards and identify the key intermediary steps, put the appropriate checks and balances in place and kick off the activity with gusto and grit. e.g. Attempting to give a competitive exam like a GMAT / GRE or Starting a new business venture.

Maintaining above par quality standards holds the key to us giving of our best. Reputation is built on consistent performance, excellent output and a no excuses policy. This effectively means that one has to adopt lofty standards which can be tough to attain, tougher to maintain and really satisfying when attained. We need to guard against any temptation to compromise on our standards, rule out short cuts to reaching our goals and be ready to pay a price to ensure that we get back on track in case we stumble or slip. One way to ensure that we do not deviate from our standards is to identify the right benchmarks to follow. E.g. Brand names build over time reflect the reputation created with quality and consistency. The IIT’s and IIM’s are a prime example of this. For individuals tags like dependability, hardworking, studious, humble etc. are quality tags that the world at large bestows based on their perception of the individual.

Get going in right earnest is the mantra that triggers us giving our best. Far too often we end up planning to give our best but most times we end up aborting our plans or merely attempting it half heartedly. While we may have chalked out lofty goals and a foolproof road map to attain it when it is time to begin the journey we find it hard to overcome our misgivings about success, our fear of overreaching, plant a mine filed of self doubts about our abilities and / or simply proceed with little vigor and even less enthusiasm thus just about reaching the goal with no feeling of ecstasy or triumph. It is only those who keep their doubts aside, fill their minds with positive thoughts, generate the spirit of adventure and throw themselves whole heartedly into the rough and tumble of the challenge who can give off their BEST and ensure that their Brilliant Efforts Stand Triumphant.

Action Points.
  1. Write down 3 of your passions that you have not yet indulged in. Now select one of them and outline an action plan to get going on pursuing it in the next 1 year. Put time frames and cost implications to ensure that the task is well planned. One year from today enjoy the fruits of your best effort.
  2. How will you tackle the following and give your best

  • You are a passionate fan of a sport and you want to ensure you get a ticket (which is in short supply) for the big finals of the game
  • You want to make your family happy by surprising them and doing something that they believe you won’t manage eg, improving your grades / taking them on an overseas trip
  • Identify the one weakness that you are constantly being a negative feedback about. Now how will you ensure that that you overcome that weakness and get a positive feedback from others about that.

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Powering your Spirit to ACT Now.
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