Each and every one of has had an IDEA or may be
many ideas, to make life more enjoyable, be it to make more money, find more happiness,
enjoy healthy relationships or experience bliss. Each IDEA
would have seemed exceptional to us because each one was based on an Innovative
Perhaps one of those unique and exclusive prerogatives granted to the human
race is our ability to generate ideas for the progress that the human race has
made is only due to our constant evolution by leveraging ideas.
On and individual level though, time and time again
we would have discovered that almost every idea of ours after the initial euphoria
would have created a number of self doubts, seem to have innumerable problems
in execution and largely fizzle out. The idea itself maybe very sound to begin
with but they fizzle out because ideas are quick to germinate but like plants
require to be nurtured with care and patience. To appreciate this one needs to
understand the intricacies of an IDEA as under:
Innovation is
the key to an idea. It refers to the ability to generate thoughts that are new
and different from the existing. This is also the crux of an idea. The focus is
on being different, thinking out of the box and generating thoughts that are
novel. Yet the problem with innovation is that they take wings immediately but
when they attempt to fly they realize that
the wing span is neither ergonomically right nor well developed to soar high as
anticipated. This means that the innovative idea has to be studied in depth and
redesigned painstakingly to ensure success. Most of don’t have the self belief ,
the patience and / or the technical, financial and managerial ability to make
the innovative idea fructify.
ideas refer to the realization that the idea can be revolutionary and dramatically
alter our existing world. When an idea strikes us the impact is euphoric
because we believe that now we can revolutionize the world with our dramatically
different idea. Yet when we attempt to find out more about the acceptance of
the idea we have, we are often stupendified to note that ideas similar to ours
have existed in varied forms and the whole drama then ebbs out of the idea. At
this point for most of us the idea now becomes deflated balloon and we are too
weary and fatigued to attempt to adapt our idea to make a dramatic impact
idea is the belief that the way our idea pans out will be unique, different
and just the prerogative of our fertile mind and imagination. In a world full
of ideating individual’s exclusivity is a very rare privilege and even that privilege
has to be backed by tremendous confidence, financial support and exceptional
marketing to ensure that the difference is visible and noticeable. For many of
us the exclusivity of the idea loses steam no sooner we realize the price one
has to pay to ensure that exclusivity. We are also drawn into a inner conflict
of being pragmatic about our idea and daring to risk everything for it. Most of
us then retreat to the safety of mediocrity for then we can continue to sustain
Assumptions are
the common thread that runs through each element of an idea. At every stage we
assume that the idea we have is new, impactful and privileged to us alone. When the realization that our assumptions were
wrong in varying degrees hits us we first do a double take as if someone has
hit us on the solar plexus. The wind is taken out of us and unless our mental makeup
is that of a gritty boxer we do not hear the count of 8 and close our eyes and
allow ourselves to throw in the towel. The
fault is not in our ideas, it is in our approach to the idea; we cannot take on
and build up on our ideas with kid gloves; what we need is the grit, guts and panache
of a world beater heavy weight champion.
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Page & Sergy Brinn and
the Zuckerberg’s of the world are both testimony and inspiration to the power
of ideas. You need not necessarily have to be them but certainly you can try to
emulate their ideations, their self belief, their grit and hopefully some glory
will also rub off on you when you let your IDEA bloom and allow your Innovative
Dramatic Exclusive Assumptions to bear fruit with persistence, fortitude and
Action Points:
- The simplest idea is to draw up an elaborate New Year Resolution List. For certain you would have done it in the past and by and large the list has remained as it is or perhaps grown in length. Read the post above and notice how almost all of what is said above is reflected in your failure to effectively stick to your resolutions of the past. Do you have an IDEA how you can ensure your current New Year Resolutions can be effectively implemented. ( hint : put a time frame to each resolution, mark timelines to review progress, announce key resolutions to family and friends so that you are more committed to it etc.)
- Come up with 5 ideas to enhance your income this year by 25 %. Now work on one or more of these ideas and by March end review the progress. If you are faltering find out the reasons why.
- Come up with 5 more ideas on how YOU will contribute to environment protection and any one of your favorite social causes. Review progress quarterly.
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